The law of the Astrakhan region dated 22 may 2008, No. 23/2008-OZ "ON combating corruption in the Astrakhan region" (download)
The decree of the Governor of the Astrakhan region from 28 November 2013 № 95 "On the procedure of interaction of state bodies of the Astrakhan region and local authorities of municipal formations of the Astrakhan region in the exercise of control over expenses of the persons occupying the state offices of the Astrakhan region, and other persons, as well as expenses of their spouses (spouse) and minor children" (download)
The decree of the Governor of the Astrakhan region dated December 12, 2016 No. 106 "On the Commission to coordinate the work on combating corruption in the Astrakhan region and the abolition of the anti-corruption Council of the Astrakhan region" (download)
The decree of the Governor of Astrakhan region of 14.10.2015 No. 93 "On the Procedure of consideration by the Commission to coordinate the work on combating corruption in the Astrakhan region of questions of observance of requirements to office (official) behaviour of the persons occupying the state posts of the Astrakhan region, and the resolution of conflict of interest" (download)
The decree of the Governor of the Astrakhan region from 11.02.2014 N 8 "About the procedure for making decisions on the implementation of the control of expenses of persons holding state positions of the Astrakhan region, and other persons, as well as expenses of their spouses (spouse) and minor children" (download)
The decree of the Governor of Astrakhan region of 03.03.2016 N 10 (download)
The decree of the Governor of Astrakhan region of 07.06.2016 N 41 "About the order of posts by certain categories of persons about receiving a gift in connection with Protocol events, official journeys and other official events, participation in which is connected with the performance of their official (official) duties, delivery, evaluation, and implementation (of redemption)" (download)
The decree of the Governor of Astrakhan region of 20.08.2013 N 68 "About the order of placement of information on income, expenses, about property and obligations of property character of the persons occupying the state posts of the Astrakhan region, persons holding positions of public civil service of the Astrakhan region in the Executive bodies of state authority of the Astrakhan region, persons occupying positions of heads of the state institutions of the Astrakhan region, and members of their families on official sites of Executive bodies of state authority of the Astrakhan region and providing these data to national and regional media for publication" (download)
The decree of the Governor of Astrakhan region of 18.08.2015 N 78 (download)
The decree of the Governor of the Astrakhan region from 28.10.2014 N 99 "About the order of carrying out of anticorruption examination of regulatory legal acts of the Astrakhan region Governor and drafts of normative legal acts of the Governor of the Astrakhan region" (download)
The decree of the Governor of Astrakhan region of 05.03.2008 N 115 "About the statement of Approximate position about the organization and conducting internal audits in the Executive bodies of state authority of the Astrakhan region" (download)
The decree of the Governor of Astrakhan region of 20.08.2010 N 341 "About implementation of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 21.07.2010 No. 925" (download)
The resolution of the Government of the Astrakhan region from 29.04.2013 N 143-P "on the Regulation On the validation and completeness of data on incomes, about property and obligations of property character represented by citizens, applying for replacement of posts of heads of the state institutions of the Astrakhan region, and persons occupying positions of heads of the state institutions of Astrakhan region" (download)
The order of the security service and anti-corruption Astrakhan region from 29.12.2016 N 66 "About approval of the departmental target program "Provision of security and anti-corruption in the Astrakhan region" (download)
International law
"The Convention of United Nations against corruption" (adopted in new York on 31.10.2003 by Resolution 58/4 at the 51st plenary meeting of 58th session of the UN General Assembly) (download)
"Convention on criminal responsibility for corruption" (concluded in Strasbourg on 27.01.1999) (download)
Municipal law
The decision of the City Duma of the municipal formation "the City of Astrakhan" from 16.06.2016 N 70 "On implementation of certain requirements of the current legislation in the sphere of counteraction of corruption" (download)
Order of administration of municipality "City of Astrakhan" from 15.03.2017 No. 228-R "On approval of action plan for prevention of corruption implemented by the administration of municipality "City of Astrakhan" in 2017-2018," (download)
The resolution of administration of municipality "City of Astrakhan" on February 28, 2017 N 1230 "About the statement of Regulations about of the Commission on combating corruption of the administration of municipality "City of Astrakhan" and its structure" (download)
The resolution of administration of municipality "City of Astrakhan" on November 27, 2015, No. 8229 "On approval of the municipal programme of the municipality "City of Astrakhan", "Security" (download)
Order of administration of municipality "City of Astrakhan" from 28 Feb 2017 N 197-p "On organization of work of "hotline" on prevention of corruption" (download)
The resolution of administration of municipality "City of Astrakhan" from 29.03.2017 No. 1872 "On approval of the Regulations on granting by the citizens applying for replacement of posts of municipal service, municipal employees, heads of municipal institutions and citizens applying for the post of heads of municipal institutions of information about income, expenses, about property and obligations of property character. (download)
Order of administration of municipality "City of Astrakhan" from 27.03.2017 282-R "On approval of the Procedure of placement of information on income, expenses, about property and obligations of property character of the heads of municipal institutions, the founders of which are the administration of municipality "City of Astrakhan" and its sectoral (functional) and territorial bodies, and also members of their families on official website of administration of municipal formation "City of Astrakhan" and presenting this information to the media for publication. (download)
Order of administration of municipality "City of Astrakhan" from 08.08.2016 № 1058-R "On appointment of persons responsible for work on preventing corruption and other offences. (download)
The resolution of administration of municipality "City of Astrakhan" from 06.04.2017 No. 2011 "On the procedure of notification of municipal employees of administration of municipal formation "City of Astrakhan", its sectoral (functional) and territorial bodies about receiving a gift in connection with Protocol events, official journeys and other official events, participation in which is connected with the performance of their official (official) duties, delivery and evaluation of a gift, sale (redemption) and transfer of the proceeds from its realization" (download)
Order of administration of municipality "City of Astrakhan" from 15.02.2017 № 172-p "On approval of the Regulations on the types of disciplinary actions for employees occupying positions which are not positions of municipal service of administration of municipality "City of Astrakhan" and its structural subdivisions" (download)
Order of administration of municipality "City of Astrakhan" from 15.02.2017 No. 173-R "About the statement of Regulations about the kinds of disciplinary penalties and penalties for failure to comply with the requirements of legislation on counteraction of corruption of municipal employees of administration of municipal formation "City of Astrakhan" and its structural subdivisions" (download)
Order of administration of municipality "City of Astrakhan" "Provedenii introductory training on combating corruption"(download)
Federal legislation
The Federal law from 25.12.2008 N 273-FZ "On combating corruption" (download)
The decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 14.02.2014 N 80 "About some questions of organization of activity on combating corruption" (download)
The decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 15.07.2015 No. 364 "About measures on improvement of organization of activities in the field of combating corruption" (download)
The decree of the President of Russia from 23.06.2014 No. 460 "On approval of the form of the certificate of the income, expenses, about property and obligations of property character, and amendments to certain acts of the President of the Russian Federation" (download)
The decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 08.07.2013 N 613 "Questions of counteraction of corruption" (download)
The decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 19.05.2008 N 815 "About measures on corruption counteraction" (download)
The decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 21.07.2010 N 925 "About measures to implement separate provisions of the Federal law "On combating corruption" (download)
The decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 02.04.2013 No. 309 "About measures for implementation of certain provisions of the Federal law "On combating corruption" (together with "Statute on procedure for submitting requests to the Federal service for financial monitoring when conducting inspections for the purposes of counteraction of corruption") (download)
The decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 08.03.2015 N 120 "About some questions of counteraction to corruption" (download)
The decree of the RF Government dated 05.07.2013 No. 568 "concerning the extension to certain categories of citizens of restrictions, bans and duties established by the Federal law "On combating corruption" and other Federal laws to counter corruption" (download)