MUNICIPAL city of Astrakhan "Gymnasium №2" for several years working and developing the project "School of future first-graders" (SBP).
"School of the future first grader" is one of the forms of work with children within the framework of continuity at the stage of "kindergarten - primary school". Its appearance and functioning of the social order of society. "School of the future first grader" is a comprehensive additional service for preparing preschool children for school education provided by secondary schools to help parents (legal representatives) of children 6-7 years of age.
Normative term development program school development: from October to may 2015-2016 school year on Saturdays. The content of educational process in SBP is defined thematic plans developed by teachers of educational organizations. In General, classes are held in the most natural for preschoolers the form of role – playing games, traveling. Classes provided a clear, and comprehensive text and training material interesting and accessible to children's perception. Examination of the psychologist showed that children held the "school of the future first-grader", there is a high level of adaptation, school motivation, educational activity, compared to children who were not attending these classes.